Thursday 2 January 2014

Lydia Lassila Is Undeterred By The Danger

The suicide bombings in Russia serve as a chilling reminder of what the Winter Olympics represent to terrorists: A high-profile target with more than 2,500 athletes, some of them world-famous, waving the flags of nearly 90 nations.

So, while many Olympic leaders offered reassurance on the day after two bombings 400 miles from Sochi killed at least 31 people, some of those getting ready to compete in the Games spoke of a different reality. They know their security is never sure thing.

But Olympic aerial skiing champion Lydia Lassila, from Diggers Rest, said she was ‘not concerned’ about her safety in Sochi. ‘We all put a lot of faith in security at any Olympics and I’m confident Russia is using all measures to ensure security is sound,’ Lydia said.

The threat of terrorism at the Olympics has been in the forefront since 1972, when members of a Palestinian terrorist group invaded the Olympic village and killed 11 Israeli athletes.

Security rose to a new level at the 2002 Salt Lake City Games, which came only five months after the September 11 attacks. Improvements in technology, along with ever-present threats of terrorism, have turned security into a top priority for any country hoping to host the Olympics.

Among the security measures Russia has put in place for this year’s games is a requirement that all ticket-holders obtain and wear ‘spectator passes’ while attending events. To get a spectator pass, fans have to provide passport and contact information to authorities.

We hope and pray that Lydia is save when she competes this year. She is a wonderful lady with a wonderful family.

Extract From: The Daily Mail

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