Thursday 2 January 2014

Make A Garden Youtube Movie Competition Coming Soon

By City West Water

Whether you’re a budding green thumb, amateur filmmaker or passionate home gardener now is the time to start developing your script and testing out your movie making skills for our Keep Calm and Garden On YouTube competition which is coming soon. We are searching for a range of fun, diverse and engaging sustainable gardening three minute videos from one of three categories.

To give you a sample of the types of videos we love click below

There’s sensational prizes up for grabs including a Hero 3 Black edition Go Pro camera and a luxury green thumb package. To be eligible to upload your movie you will need a Google Account.
So start thinking about a great idea for your video, rehearse a dry run and stay tuned for more details.

P.S  Remember to keep the content of your video above-board and in accordance with YouTube’s guidelines.

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